Thursday, October 4, 2018

Call: 1-800-208-7519 How to Fix Norton Antivirus Error Code 8504, 104?

When the installation of the product fails while upgrading to the newer version and it can be found that there are some security issues due to which different kinds of error including 8504 104 error. To Troubleshoot Norton Antivirus Error Code 8504 104 the steps are described below and if after following the steps the error is not resolved then we are also having team of experts to troubleshoot this error. Go through the steps to resolve the issues stated in step by step process.
Causes of Error are:
  • Corruption in downloading the antivirus.
  • Due to viruses the files in the window system got corrupted.
  • When any program mistakenly deleted from the PC.
  • Window registry corruption
Steps to resolve Norton Error 8504 and 104

Step1: The individual fix the registries associated with the error 8504, 104. To fix the registries follow the steps described below:
  • Firstly, Go to the Start Button and the individual type “command’ in the search box
  • Then press Ctrl+ Shift keys together and then have a click on the yes button and then the box appears.
  • The individual have to enter regedit on the window appearing on the screen.
  • The hard disk drive starts cleaning and the space will be available there in the disk.
  • Now the individual choose all the temporary files and clean them .
Step 2: The individual do the full scan of the system.
Step 3: Clean all the junk and the temporary files from the disk.
Step 4: Now update all the drivers on the system and reinstall it
Step 5: To undo the changes in the PC restore the window of the PC
Step 6: Now, uninstall and reinstall the antivirus.
Step 7: Run the file checker of the window system.
Step 8: Install all the updates available on the window.
Step 9: At end, the individual tries to do the clean installation of the windows.

For immediate help Contact Norton Customer Support

If after following all the steps to eliminate the error and the error still persist then don’t feel hesitated. You can call at Norton Customer Support Number  1-800-208-7519 at any time. Our experts are available 24*7 or 365 days for the help of the customers. And if on the call the issue is not resolved then you can contact us through live chat or can drop an e-mail to our experts. We are having the trained team of professionals to resolve the issue of our customers.
Read Also This Blog: How to Activate Norton


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